
This is an academic curation and journaling by me, Rupadarshi Ray, a Mathematics major at IISER Mohali. This is where I document my experience and experiments with mathematics and theoretical sciences.

You may know more about me here.


This is a /now page for me!

Lecture notes

9:00|banner+small MTH414: Advanced Complex Analysis
Instructor: Chandrakant Aribam
11:00|banner+small MTH416: Arithmetic of Elliptic
Instructor: Abhik Ganguli
14:00|banner+small|400 MTH441: Fourier Analysis
Instructor: Jotsaroop Kaur
15:00|banner+small|invertmix|400 PHY635: GR
Instructor: Kinjalk Lochan
18:00|banner+small|invertmix|400 MTH407: Algorithms and complexity
Instructor: Kapil Hari Paranjape

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bliss and beyond

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