4 years with electrodynamics

April, 12019

May, 12020

it was the fact that integration (eg: ∇ ⋅ E) on volumes/surfaces work so nicely that that cut each other off when you integrate over smaller volumes vs the whole ; i mean like the divergence theorem etc

the whole small set of equations describing everything, the unification etc

August, 12021

the dance of particles and field with their stress energy momentum tensor

Tᵃᵇ = Tᵃᵇem + Tᵃᵇparticles

it’s components include energy-momentum density: stored in and flown by fields and particles

and the conservation laws: ∂ ₐ Tᵃᵇ = 0 (not sure) which is like divergence of this field is 0,

more field theory stuff like why Tᵃᵇ is symmetric etc

action principle describing everything

A = -c ∫ mds + ∫ A ⋅ dx + ∫ F^ab _ab dV

May, 12022

uniqueness theorems, how the field is a differential 2-form and the Maxwell’s equations are really is set of 2 equations

dF =0 *d * F = J

June, 12023

… trying to do gauge theory and stuff eventually… let’s see