Updated on Spring ‘25 from data in Courses of Study v’23 where the course codes are not updated. Sorted in the descending alphabetical order of fields. “Hard pre-requisite” mean they require the entire first semester content of the pre-requisites.

pre-reqs other than Sem 5 courses (blanks are unknown to me!)MTH electivesfieldstatus
Topological data analysistopology in appliednew, last offered in Monsoon ‘24
topologyMTH410: Algebraic topologytopologycompulsory to be offered
Algebraic topology (hard but depends on instructor)MTH436: An introduction to Knots and Braidstopologylast offered in Spring ‘24
Algorithms and complexitytheoretical computer sciencerenewed, last offered in Spring ‘25
MTH435: Random processesprobabilitylast offered in Monsoon ‘22
MTH405: (Probability Theory)probabilitycompulsory to be offered
MTH430: Random graphsprobability?
MTH413: Advanced probabilityprobability?
MTH419: Number theorynumber theorylast offered in Monsoon ‘24
MTH409: (Discrete Mathematics)mixedcompulsory to be offered
manifoldsMTH427: Introduction to global analysisdifferential geometry but algebraicless likely to get offered, request someone!!
topologyManifoldsdifferential geometrycompulsory to be offered
manifolds (hard)MTH408: Riemannian geometrydifferential geometrylast offered in Monsoon ‘24
MTH431: Applications of Fourier analysisanalysis?
ODEs, Functional analysisMTH407: (Partial Differential Equations)analysiscompulsory to be offered
Real analysis, ODEs, Functional analysisMTH406: Fourier analysisanalysislast offered in Spring ‘25
Complex analysisMTH414: Advanced complex analysisanalysislast offered in Spring ‘25
Functional analysisMTH420: Linear operators in Hilbert spacesanalysislast offered in Spring ‘24
commutative algebraMTH426: Algebraic curvesalgebraic geometrylast offered in Spring ‘24
MTH437: An introduction to schemesalgebraic geometryprobably never getting offered
MTH415: Enumerative problems in geometryalgebraic geometryprobably never getting offered
nothing much, but for motivation algebra helpsMTH432: Category theoryalgebra?last offered in Spring ‘25
MTH421: Combinatorial group theoryalgebra, mixedlast offered in ?
MTH416: Arithmetic of elliptic curvesalgebra, mixedlast offered in Spring ‘25
MTH425: Geometric group theoryalgebra, differential geometry?less likely to get offered, request someone!!
MTH418: Fuchsian groupsalgebra, differential geometry?last offered in Spring ‘24
groupsMTH429: Introduction to Lie groupsalgebra with differential geometrylast offered in Spring ‘25
MTH438: An introduction to Linear Algebraic Groupsalgebra using algebraic geometry?last offered in Monsoon ‘24
MTH439: Homological methods in Algebraic Topologyalgebra from algebraic topology?
MTH423: Structure of finite groupsalgebra?
MTH428: Commutative algebra and combinatoricsalgebra?
MTH433: Geometric algebraalgebra?
Rings and modulesMTH411: Commutative and homological algebraalgebracompulsory to be offered
MTH434: Quadratic forms over fieldsalgebralast offered in Monsoon ‘23?
Linear algebra, maybe Lie groups to know why work with Lie algebrasMTH424: Introduction to Lie algebrasalgebralast offered in Monsoon ‘23
MTH412: Structure of algebrasalgebralast offered in Spring ‘24
groups and linear algebraMTH422: Representations of finite groupsalgebralast offered in Spring ‘24

Yeah, don’t take these if you’re a BSMS…

History of courses offered

  • Monsoon 2022
    • MTH402 - Functional analysis CA
    • MTH403 - Manifolds AM(M)
    • MTH411- Commutative and homological algebra CK
    • MTH414- Advanced complex analysis RP
    • MTH418 - Fuchsian groups PS
    • MTH420 - Linear Operators on Hilbert Spaces LS
    • MTH432 - Category theory KHP
    • MTH435 - Random Processes NS
  • Monsoon 2023
    • MTH401(OrdinaryDifferentialEquation) JK
    • MTH402-Functionalanalysis SKP(M)
    • MTH403-FieldsandGaloisTheory AG
    • MTH404-Commutativeandhomologicalalgebra VRS
    • MTH405-Probabilitytheory LS
    • MTH406-Manifolds SDM
    • MTH414:AdvancedComplexAnalysis RP
    • MTH424:IntroductiontoLiealgebra TK
    • MTH432-Categorytheory KHP
  • Spring 2024