
  • Primary reference will be classroom.
  • Most of the material is drawn from following textbooks (but may not appear in the same order).
    1. Michael L. O’Leary: A First Course in Mathematical Logic and Set Theory
    2. Herbert B. Enderton: A mathematical introduction to logic.
  • Following textbooks are also going to be useful.
    1. P. T. Johnstone: Notes on Logic and Set Theory.
    2. Yu. I. Manin: A Course in Mathematical Logic for Mathematicians.
  • A beautiful book (graphic novel!) that gives you a sense of the intellectual turmoil in the late 19th century when logical foudations as we know today were being laid is the following:
    1. Logicomix: An Epic Search for Truth, (writers: Apostolos Doxiadis, Christos Papadimitriou and Artist: Alecos Papadatos, Annie Di Donna). 


Russell’s paradox

Trying to make a definition


Definition A proper set is not a member of itself.



Russel’s paradox.

Hilber’s quest

Works of Hilbert.

Prove true/not true

Take another set


  • Proof by contradiction
    • suppose , then by definition of

  • logical systems.
    • propositional logic (AND, OR, NOT)
    • first order logic (FORALL, etc)
  • logical principles.
  • symantic system
  • symtactic(?)
  • meta language = English

Logical system

A logical system consists of

  • “Language”
  • Alphabet
    • , ,
  • Grammar well formed formulas
  • “Truth valuation” semantic
  • “Proof methods” syntactic
  • Axioms