The meme is

A mathematician’s reply is

What I do is simply follow

  • step 0: Picture 1, 2, 3 dimensional vector spaces
  • step 1: Write instead of 1, 2 or 3 (imagine n=1,2 or 3 but don’t write it down, only use n) whenever I am generalizing. Note if we never use the fact that or , i.e. we write all the time etc, pretend we’re working with a natural number but visualize only 2 or 3 dimensions then our work is done: we have “visualized dim ”, by simply forgetting or , yay!
  • step 2: put whatever natural number you like!

That’s what a first semester course on linear algebra is supposed to do initially (after defining the “dimension” of a vector space). This is the algebraic way to visualize things: using symbols!

There’s a next step for doing functional analysis type stuff:

  • step 3: Don’t even think about n being a natural number anymore, it can be infinite.

This doesn’t help much working with infinite dimensional vector spaces, but alright!

We can generalize “dimension” and “spaces” to things beyond vector spaces: they are called ”manifolds”. There are many “different” manifolds of a fixed dimension even: a circle and (real line) are both manifolds of dimension 1, or “1-manifolds”.

2-manifolds are just surfaces: 2-sphere, torus, etc. is a 3-manifold, so is the “solid ball” 3-ball.

We can’t even all 3-manifolds like the 3-torus, 3-sphere (the sphere that lives in ) etc.

But I can visualize the 3-sphere upto removal of just a tiny a point! The joke/reason being 3-sphere minus a point is just or 3-ball (just like how the usual 2-sphere minus a point is just the disk or “2-ball”).