Here we make a academic workstation in the Obsidian ecosystem - completely free in both sense of the word, and with endless possibilities. Start with the first three articles, after that this page will become a reference for further progress.

  • What is Obsidian
  • Why write in Obsidian
  • Starting with Obsidian
  • Working in Obsidian

    • Functionality and extensions

      • MathJax and beyond
        • Preamble
        • Snippets and Conceal
        • TikZ
      • Mermaid
      • Metadata and Query
      • Daily notes
      • Folders and files
      • Links and Embeds
      • Workspaces
      • Changelog
      • Tags
      • Templates
      • Images
      • Graph view
        • displaying title in graph view
      • Drawings and diagrams
        • Making excalidraw play nice
      • Spaced Repetition
      • Literature notes, Citations etc
        • Zotero
      • YouTube and other videos
      • Podcasts
      • Web bookmarking
      • Kanban
      • Page previews
      • New windows
      • Sliding panes, tabs
      • Backup → Git, Google Drive
      • Publish
      • Syncing
  • Trifle with superplugins

    • Templater+JS
    • Dataview+JS, and extensions!
    • Buttons+API
    • Excalidraw+API
    • Breadcrumbs+API
    • QuickAdd
    • Mixing plugins
      • Kanban+Dataview
      • Templater+Dataview
      • Buttons+Dataview
      • Excalidraw+Breadcrumbs
  • Trifle with CSS

    • dark pdf
  • Workflows