There are drawbacks to writing in Obsidian for taking notes for Mathematics and Sciences - be it lecture notes or long-term notes. There are two other possibilities:

Writing in Obsidian using MathJax, Callouts and Excalidraw plugin

But Obsidian with MathJax, Callouts and Excalidraw plugin provides the perfect balance between the two:

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further benefits

Writing in Obsidian in this way provides benefits over each of the individual methods, and more:

  • MathJax is as strong as full-on LaTeX.

    • LaTeX preambles, snippets, conceal, etc. are available from community plugins.
    • There is a plugin for TikZ diagrams too in Obsidian!
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  • Obsidian notes and the entire vault is dynamic and inter-connectable.

    • Between lectures, one can directly link to previously written notes, to specific pages in documents in the vault. One can embed them too! To me, this is a superpower! Live preview has made this even better!
    • In long-term notes, block-embedding callouts is also very nifty:
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  • Obsidian notes are plain-text.

    • That has benefits over storing the content of the notes as PDFs.
  • Dynamic queries

    • Dataview queries can help create a dynamic table of lecture note details, anything you want to display.
    • I used a parameter “topic” in the front-matter to list all topics discussed in the lecture.
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    • Tags, tasks can be used intelligently to make use of the dynamic queries!
  • Drawing and diagrams

    • Excalidraw plugin is a active-in-development plugin and even without a drawing device, it can be used to draw figures, flowcharts and also can be used to hand-write notes!

advantages over other tools

  • OneNote
    • Embedding notes, LaTeX, and way more functionality from plugins.
    • Plaintext.
    • Files like PDF doesn’t loose being “files”.
    • PDFs can be edited externally, linked/embedded to exact page number.
  • Notion
    • Fast. Offline.
    • Local.
  • Most other tools
    • Free!

other advantages

  • Various tools can be used alongside it. Any text editor like VScode, Atom etc.


  1. Zettelkasten + LaTeX + VS Code = Productivity++ ? | by Xavier Pinho | Level Up Coding (